Our Services

Guests enjoying food and drinks at WURII’s annual “Breaking Bread” Thanksgiving celebration.

Guests enjoying food and drinks at WURII’s annual “Breaking Bread” Thanksgiving celebration.



Helping our community grow through everyday learning and the pursuit of various educational goals. These aspirations are not restricted to academic aims — vocational objectives, personal development and hobbies are worthwhile desires. We believe in a lifelong educational journey. It’s never too late to learn something new.


Providing women and their families ongoing cultural orientation and integration. We’re helping new immigrants and refugee arrivals adapt to the United States upon arrival. Without the time constraints of other organizations, we don’t have to rush women through what can be a difficult process.


Providing a safe, supportive space for the community to regularly come together to discuss, share, learn and grow from life experiences unique to various stages of life such young adults and mature women.