Empowering women through community.

Women United for Refugees & Immigrants of Illinois

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Welcome to WURII. Our organization understands the unique obstacles immigrant and refugee women and their families face. We believe that when women work together, we all grow stronger.

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Our Mission

To promote and assist in the development and empowerment of refugees and immigrants — one family at a time.

Join us as we walk with our immigrant and refugee neighbors on the journey to make Chicago home. Each step reveals our shared experiences, similarities, and differences and opens the door for meaningful conversations and new ways of seeing things for everyone.


Our Vision

To establish a place of community and emotional support in Chicago as we prove resource connections, focused support groups, and community events for refugee and immigrant women and their families.


Our Philosophy

WURII prioritizes building strong interpersonal relationships with every client and celebrating the value of connection and learning from one another. We recognize the challenges of life have no timeline and that the greatest needs are often the most intangible. To ensure our efforts are long lasting and impactful we take our time, in both client interactions and our continued organizational development.

“We see each person as part of our family, not as a refugee.”

— Claire Mukundente, WURII Founder


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
